1. DMC Core

Network Diagram

For those of you who are interested in how the Digital Manufacturing Commons platform works, please view the network diagram below.


In the diagram above, pay close attention to the arrows as communication across each of the separate machines is not always bidirectional. Also notice how in the diagram there exist multiple of each machine. This is to show that our infrastructure is set up to create new instances of these machines in the case site traffic becomes too high for one machine to handle. When traffic on the site goes down the un-utilized machines are removed from the stack.

WAF - Web Application firewall. Used for securing the platform.

App Gateway - Application Gateway as it is know in Microsoft Azure. In Amazon Web Services this is known as a load balancer.

Service Provider Cirrus - Our platform allows for federated login to minimize password management. We can federate with InCommon members and specific companies if requested.

DOME - Distributed Objectbased Modeling Environment is the software that we use to store and run application on our platform. Read more about DOME and building DOME models.

Front - Frontend machines are used to serve to website to the client.

REST - RESTful services machines are used to handle the logic behind frontend calls to the database.

ActiveMQ - Active Mesaging Queue machines are used send status updates on application completed-ness to the REST machines.

Solr - The Solr Search machine is used to query the database.

Validate - The Validation Machine is used when users upload documents (photos, work documents, files,etc) to the website. The documents attempting to be uploaded are scanned for viruses before they are added to Amazon S# buckets for permanent storage.

Storage Account - This is where files and documents are stores when they uploaded to the website. In Amazon Web Services these are known as S3 Buckets. In Microsoft Azure, these are known as Storage Blobs.