
Provide Search for the DMC.

To verify that the server is running correctly follow these steps

  1. Verify the administrative web interface is up at
    Substitute the IP address of your solr instance instead of

  2. Go to
    Replace the q input with the following and press execute query: component_name:Physics

    Alternatively copy this string into a browser:

            "group_name":"Low Heat Loss Transformer",

  3. Go to
    Replace the q input with the following and press execute query: *%3A*

    Alternatively copy this string into a browser:*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true

    Output: (no projects defined in database, so no results)

  4. Go to
    Replace the q input with the following and press execute query: group_name:Low*

    Alternatively copy this string into a browser:*&wt=json&indent=true

            "interface_data":"{\"interFace\":{\"version\":1,\"modelId\":\"995f865e-d90a-1004-8438-64281c6cab63\",\"interfaceId\":\"995f8660-d90a-1004-8438-64281c6cab63\",\"type\":\"interface\",\"name\":\"velocity interface\",\"path\":[33,34,35]},\"inParams\":{\"timeCopy\":{\"name\":\"timeCopy\",\"type\":\"Real\",\"unit\":\"second\",\"category\":\"time\",\"value\":2,\"parameterid\":\"0163d124-d8de-1004-8a2f-592d01a9bb93\"},\"distanceCopy\":{\"name\":\"distanceCopy\",\"type\":\"Real\",\"unit\":\"centimeter\",\"category\":\"length\",\"value\":3,\"parameterid\":\"0163d123-d8de-1004-8a2f-592d01a9bb93\"}},\"outParams\":{\"averageVelocity\":{\"name\":\"averageVelocity\",\"type\":\"Real\",\"unit\":\"centimeter per second\",\"category\":\"velocity\",\"value\":1.5,\"parameterid\":\"0163d125-d8de-1004-8a2f-592d01a9bb93\",\"instancename\":\"averageVelocity\"}},\"modelName\":\"velocity interface\",\"modelDescription\":\"\",\"server\":{\"name\":\"localhost\",\"port\":\"7795\",\"user\":\"ceed\",\"pw\":\"ceed\",\"space\":\"USER\"}}",
            "interface_name":"velocity interface",
            "group_name":"Low Heat Loss Transformer",

  5. Go to
    Replace the q input with the following and press execute query: user_name:berlier

    Alternatively copy this string into a browser:

            "realname":"berlier test",

  6. Go to
    Replace the q input with the following and press execute query: *%3A*

    Alternatively copy this string into a browser:*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true

    Output: (no wiki pages in database, so no results)

Machine Type

  • m4.large
  • ami base image:
    • east:
    • west:

Installed Software

Solr software installed: 5.3.1. See Migration from Solr 3.X to 5.X for a description of changes made to Solr configuration files.

The deployment script for SolR leverages the installation script provided by the solr distribution. For a good description of the solr installation process see

The solr script performs the following:

  • Creates a user 'solr'
  • Installs the solr software in /opt/solr
  • Configures solr data (home) directory to: /var/solr/data
  • Installs a startup script 

The deployment script performs these steps

Required Environment Variables that must be set on this machine for the deployment script:

  • solrDbDns = DomeDbDns

Depends On

  • DBBackEnd
  • DMCDomeServer ??


  • DMCFrontEnd

Ingress Rules

  • Port 8983, tcp.

  • Port 22 for open SSH, Bastion only.

Egress Rules

  • Same

Ingress / Egress Testing Status

Tested be setting ports manually.

Ingress successfully tested using CloudFormation. 

Database Integration

To enable SolR to pull data from the database configure the database to allow the SolR hsot to connect to the database.

  • For postgres: Add Solr Server Private IP  to /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data/pg_hba.conf
    Example line added to pg_hba.conf
    host all gforge trust