Versions Compared


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  1. Go to your organization profile page by clicking on your display name in the top right-hand corner of the page and choose My Organization in the top menufrom the drop-down.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page Find and find the Unverified Members section
  3. Click on the green details button on the user's card
  4. Click verify for the individuals you are sure are members of your organization
  5. Copy the token in the modal
  6. Send the token the the individual to have them add this to the verification field in their My Account page
    (Same Instructions that Admins used to verify their accounts)want to have access
  7. A modal will appear letting you a know an e-mail will be sent to the following e-mail address. If you sure this individual should have access, click on Verify, if not, click cancel.
    1. The individual will recieve a verification token in the e-mail as well as instructions on how to use it.

Setting Verified Organization Members Access Levels

  1. All accounts have an access level status of member to begin with.
    1. To change the access status of an organization member, go to the verified section of the My Organization page
    2. Click on the green details button on the user's card
    3. Click on Select Role and select the desired role (member or VIP), then click the set button
      1. If updating status to Admin, Make sure to set the status to Admin, select the access to admin once more and set the status once more due to a bug that will unverfy the user if you refresh your page after only doing this once..



for Individuals

Step 1

User will create DMC account. This step automatically notifies the organizational admin that a user is seeking access to organization assets.
