V 0.1.1 (Beta)

With the success of the Alpha release just a little bit over a month ago we are introducing our Beta release of the Digital Manufacturing Commons platform. Users will find a few new updates which include the new Marketplace tab, access to run a set of demo applications as well as the ability to see the full organizations list of organizations signed up to use the site. We've also introduced our live chatting tool to better help users use our site more effectively and efficiently.

During our Beta Launch period, only fully verified users on the website will be able to access the platform features, so if you are not verified or your organization administrator has not yet joined and verified their account, this is really the time to do so if you want to get a feel for what is to come in our full launch in the second quarter of 2017. To learn more about each of the Individual features, look in the use cases section, and as usual, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Modes of contact are all listed in the Contact Us section.

Special Friends of the DMC (Non DMDII Members) can sign up as well. During the sign up process, do not check the I am a DMDII Member checkbox. When done with the onboarding process, make sure to e-mail askdmc@uilabs.org and we will work to amke sure your account become verified.

Features for Users


Site Map


Use Cases




DMDII Member Onboarding Instructions


Feature for Developers

2. https://digitalmfgcommons.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=82771994

DMC Core (Network Diagram)


Getting the Code


Dev Ops


QA Process




Contact Us
