Git and JIRA Workflow for Task Assignments

With a continuously growing team like the Digital Manufacturing Commons development team, it is important to make sure that conventions and frameworks exist that allow contributers to be able to work effectively on tasks using both Git and JIRA. It is important that code contributers as well as team members understand and use the same Git and JIRA workflows when working on their tasks. It is also important that all contributors understand the beginning to end workflow for how a task moves along through its life cycle especially for an a project like the DMC which heavily uses an agile methodology. This page serves to be a guide to understanding this. Below you will find: explanations, steps, diagrams, as well as best practices for many situations a developer may run into.

JIRA Workflows

Sprint Burndown and Planning Meetings

Being Assigned a task

Pop-up Assignment and Tasks

Completing a Task

Conventions for Creating or Deleting Tasks

Git Workflows

Beginning of a Sprint

During the Sprint

Creating your Sprint Branches

Working in Teams

Pop up tasks

Last Minute Code Changes

Saving your Work


push pull

Submitting your Code (creating pull requests)

Last Minute Code Changes (closing pull requests)

Last minute Changes

End of a Sprint

Merging Code